Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Summery Fall Day:)

I had a weekend home with the kids this weekend while John was out doing guy stuff up north.  We didn't do too much exciting.  Mostly just ran errands, hung out at home and got regular weekend stuff done:)  We did run and pick up some pumpkins to carve since this is one Athena's very favorite things to do!  We did one on Saturday and Alton wouldn't get anywhere near it.  He wouldn't even sit by it for a picture let alone touch it.  The following pictures are from when we did another one on Sunday.  He finally warmed up to it and ended up having a great time with sissy:)
He sat and watched Athena for the first few minutes, then finally reached out and touched it with one hand from as far away as possible. 
Finally he inched in for a peak inside. 
A little bit closer inspection and...
He was ready to join in the pumpkin gutting!  Squealing with laughter along with Athena...I should have taken a video instead of just pictures because these 2 were hilarious:)  After all the guts were out they sat and played with the guts like playdough for quite a while.  After a quick bath for both of them and a clean-up of the counter we carved it and set it out on the front steps with a candle to light it up at dark. 
We headed outside for some pictures by the front bushes since it was such a nice day out. 
I was very happy to get some pictures of both of them together with both of them actually cooperating!!!
So gosh darn handsome!
Little cutie pie!
Beautiful princess:)
Happy Fall!!

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