I had Alton in for his18 month well child check a couple of weeks ago. He actually was just turning 19 months when I took him in. Somehow along the line we got behind by a month and it has just stayed that way. I figure since he was a month premature, it means we're right on time, right?:) Well anywho, the big news is he is growing like a champ! He went from 11th percentile for height up to 21st percentile! Yay! He hovers around 50th for weight every time I take him in and that stayed the same. He still doesn't say much as far as words. He says 'mama' but not just for me. He calls me and John both mama. His other only consistent word is he calls Amber 'baa'. I've decided to go ahead and set up a speech evaluation for him through the Birth to 3 program. I made the phone call early last week and am in the process of working on the scheduling of it with our B to 3 coordinator. Alton may or may not qualify, but I just want to get some professional input either way because if he could use some therepy we should get started on it sooner than later. I've been taking tons of cute pictures of Alton to try to score some perfect ones to get ready for our next post placement report. He still LOVES tractors!
I love my 4 wheeler almost as much as I love tractors:)
Look! I made a tractor train!
I can drive 2 at once!
Daddy dressed me in bibs today and I'm looking too stinkin cute!
Wait a minute, I see something over there that I haven't tried destoying yet!If sissy can do it, then so can I!
Faster Ena! Faster!
I love my 4 wheeler almost as much as I love tractors:)