Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Horse riding lessons?

I took Ena and Alton to the zoo on Monday. Alton did good and the elephants seemed to be his favorite:) They were being really active and whipping dirt everywhere. Being that Alton also loves to get dirty and throw things, this was right up his alley!

I usually let Athena choose one extra activity at the zoo. She usually chooses to ride the carousel but this time she wanted a pony ride. She loved it and was beaming the whole time! I've been considering looking into horse riding lessons for her for something fun to do and I've read that it can help kids with self-confidence. I'm thinking maybe this could help her with her separation anxiety. Well, after seeing her so proud of herself and beaming the way she was on that pony, I"m for sure going to start looking for some horse riding lesson options in our area:)

This bush has been going gang-busters blooming this year so I wanted to take some pictures of the kids in front of it while it's in full bloom:)

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