Friday, April 22, 2011


Going back to work this week went great:) I am excited to be back, though day care drop-offs are rough for Alton. He cries bloody murder each morning when I drop him off. After 10 years of teaching pre-school and kindergarten I've had many opportunities to be the adult on the recieving end of a parent dropping off a child who is having a hard time with transition, so I know that the child is always fine 10 minutes later! It doesn't make it any easier to see him crying and upset every morning, but at least I know it's short lived and his day goes fine and he has fun once the transition of being dropped off is done. When I show up to pick him up at the end of the day, he's always happily playing and his daily note always says he's eats and naps like a champ during the day. His teachers are so sweet and that helps me to feel comfortable dropping him off too. I've read in a few attachement books about ways to make the daycare transition easier & one idea is to bring a treat along to give the child at pickup each day. This helps to establish a routine and enforce the mommy-always-returns happy feelings. So, he's been having a yummy cookie to eat on the way home each day. I'm pretty sure he's picking up on this routine after only one week because yesterday after I had him strapped into his carseat he was looking at me with an excited look of anticipation for me to hand him his treat:)

Check out these cute bunny ears he made at school:)

Look at this big strong bunny crawling with his belly off the ground now! No more army crawling for this big boy:)

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