Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yum, cuppy cakes:)

Baby girl and I made some cup cakes the other night:) I had my first crack at making homemade buttercream frosting for these cupcakes. It was a last minute decision to make them and it was getting late in the day and I didn't want to have to pack up the kids and run to the store to pick up any ingredients so I scoured all of the recipe sites that I frequent to find a recipe using only ingredients we had in the house. The frosting was good, but I'm going to keep looking for an even better one. I didn't have any cream in the house and many of the recipes needed cream so I'm thinking that's probably one of the pivotal ingredients in a really good buttercream frosting (especially since the word cream is actually in the title;)
I frosted them white, saving some of the frosting to make colored frosting for Ena to decorate on top of the white. These bottles from Pampered Chef are fun. Fill em up with the colored frosting, screw the tip you want on the end and then it's like a kid friendly pastry bag for piping and making designs. The one she's holding had pastel purple in it and the one in the bottom right corner of the picture was about to get filled with green. The cupcakes turned out really pretty. They all looked like they had funky abstract flowers on them:)

What? Is there something on my face?

Ena posing with her number one happy customer:)

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