Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun times at the county fair:)

We went to the county fair twice this week. Once with our friends and once with my family since the cousins from Ohio are up visiting this week:) It was tons of fun both times. Athena is old enough now that there is a decent amount of rides she can go on and she had a fun time going on them with her friend the first night and then with her cousins the second night we went. Alton liked looking at all of the animals and rides and lights and was fascinated by the fireworks at night. It was his first time seeing them and he just stared at them with his huge eyes and his mouth hanging open in amazement:)

To the cow barn!! This kid LOVES TRACTORS!!!
Loves them:)

Loves these things too:)
Every one he sat on, he was "vroom vroom"-ing the whole time.

Made friends with a sheep.

This sheep must live at a farm that has little kids. It was such a good sport, standing there and letting Ena pet it for the longest time.

John had to hold him back or I"m sure he would have been trying to climb and lay on these calves like he does with Amber.

The first thing Ena always wants to look at is the chickens. Why are they always so excited to see something that they can see every time they go to grandma and grandpa's house?

Alton really enjoyed the chickens as well:)

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