Friday, July 15, 2011

Ten Years:)

Yesterday John and I had our ten year wedding anniversary:) It doesn't seem like it was that long ago, yet when we pulled out our wedding album last night to look through it with Athena we were surprised at how young we look in the photos! We had an outdoor wedding at our friends summer camp and it was beautiful. The weather cooperated perfectly and we had a hot sunny bluebird day:) Being that we got married back in the olden days, our pictures aren't digital so these pictures are photos of photos in our album. I know I could scan them, but this was quick and quite frankly even though I know we have a scanner in the house I have no idea where it even is;)

John surprised me with this gorgeous bouquet of flowers when he came home from work!

You know how when you get married you think your 10 year anniversary seems like an eternity away and you make all kinds of plans for it? We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Being our silly young selves we declared we would return for our 10 year anniversary. Well lets just say I'm not writing this post from Hawaii;) Our trip back to Colombia this year and most recently the shiny new water heater perched in our basement put the ka-bosh on anything extravagant. We celebrated at home with Chinese take-out with the kids instead and that was just fine with both of us:) We know when to count our amazing blessings when we see them! John's mom is coming to watch the kids next Saturday though so we can go out for dinner just the two of us;)

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