Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ena's first day of 4K!

Athena had her first day of 4K today:) She was beyond excited this morning and let me tell you she is beyond tired tonight!! It's a district run 4K program, but it is physicaly housed in the private preschools in town because of space/room issues. We requested her current preschool/ daycare as her 4K location and got our request. I can still drop her (and Alton) off at 7:00 and pick her up at about 4:30/5:00 like usual. They simply walk her down the hall to the 4K room when the time comes and pick her up to walk her back when 4K is over. She is in the afternoon session which I think she will really benefit from because she recieves her regular preschool in the morning and then district 4K in the afternoon. Had she gotten the morning session, she would have district 4K in the morning, then return to preschool/daycare in the afternoon just in time to eat lunch and have a 2 hour nap. The way it is now, she gets twice as much school but no more nap. That's why she is so very tired tonight, but we'll slowly bump up her bedtime little by little each night to make up for it:) She said everything went great and came home very excited about her first day:)

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