Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mama mobile number 2! Lets try this again:)

Now that all of the dust has settled from my car accident we finally had the time to do some car shopping and buy a new mini van to replace the one that I totaled. I loved my old mini van. We bought it used with only 23K miles and got so many awesome options on it that we never would have spent the money to get on a new one. I would have happily drove it into it's ripe old age for the next 10 years. But, many things in life are out of our hands and sometimes you just need to take the hand dealt to you and move forward;) My new mini van is definitely awesome too:) I love the color (charcoal dark grey that shimmers in the sunlight and looks black at night with chrome trim) It is a brand new 2011 and I think we got a pretty decent deal on it because it's a model year end clearance car since the 2012 models are already on the lots. It also has some pretty neat/different features that my old one didn't have and after driving it for just one day, I love this one now too:) So, here is my second smokin' hot mama mobile after laying my first one to rest after just one year.

Here's Alton having fun coloring with crayons:) The fun of coloring lasted for about 1 minute!
After that he decided to pull an all-boy-Alton move and destroy the paper & throw it. I tell ya, after reading the book Gender Matters (a good read that I recommend to any parent) and raising both a boy and a girl there is no doubt in my mind that there are definitely innate personality differences in boys and girls that comes from their gender regardless of how they are raised/parented. This kid is a trip after raising only a girl so far:)

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