Saturday, March 5, 2011

Butterflies, crepes & waffles:)

We had another fun day out and about today. Now that we have Sentencia and know our time remaining here is limited, we're trying to squeeze in as many fun things as possible before we go back home to the reality of work and double day care bills:) We're going to be running to lots of appointments this coming week to get all of our final paperwork done, so we did 2 fun things today that we've been meaning to do before we go.
First we went to the Bogota Botanical Gardens this morning with the Jaenesch's. By some miracle it didn't rain at all the whole time we were there, so we spent the whole morning walking around and enjoying the park:) We saw lots of beautiful plants and snapped tons of great pictures. They even have an awesome butterfly exibit going on right now!

Alton getting in his daily 'boob nap' as John calls it when he falls asleep in the carrier when we're out walking.

The guide got a butterfly to land on his finger and he passed it onto Athena's finger and let her hold it for a minute.

It was so incredibly hot and humid in the butterfly building because many of the butterflies are from tropical areas of Colombia. They need to recreate the right environement for them at the gardens. Many of my pictures look a littel hazy like this one because my camera lense kept steaming up.

BIG cala lillies.

This beautiful fountain is in the center of the enormous rose garden area.

As I mentioined earlier, Alton is a daddy's boy and prefers John right now. Today though, he kept reaching for me all day and wanted me to carry him:)
I heart this picture:)
After returning from the Gardens, we headed out to lunch. One of the restaurants that everyone loves when they are here is called Crepes and Waffles. Somehow in the 11 weeks total that we have been in Bogota adopting both of our kids, we have never been there. We couldn't miss it this time:)
We ordered 2 different types of crepes and split them. This crepe was cold and filled with smoked salmon, cream cheese, avacado, dill, red peppers & cucumber. The other one was hot and saucy and filled with chicken, cheese and spinach. Both were to die for! We also split a huge waffle sundae, smothered in Nutella and ice cream!

Athena's kids meal (a ham and cheese pita) came with a strawberry smoothie and this fun sundae!
Those of you who are friends with me on fb and have seen my food album, you know I"m going to copy this sundae as soon as we get home:) This awesome kids meal btw only cost about $5! The entire bill was not very big at all. Seriously, we need a Crepes and Waffles at home:)

1 comment:

Lori said...

fun! fun! i don't know what you are feeding that little girl, but she sure is growing!!! and that little boy.....toooooo sweeeeet!!! glad to see everything is going well!