Thursday, March 31, 2011

Settling in as a family of 4:)

Aside from me not being back to work quite yet, I would say we're pretty settled into regular life as a family of 4. It's one of my little goals to try to have a nice family brunch at home on Sundays. We've managed to get right back into that routine since we've been home and I'm pretty tickled pink about that:) I made a batch of home made belgian waffles last Sunday for brunch. The recipe I use makes a ton of waffles. We usually eat about half of them and then I freeze the rest of the batch. Works great to throw them in the toaster for breakfast just like you would a store bought frozen waffle. Or if you have a big old sweet tooth like me, you can also eat them for dessert smothered in Nutella spread and vanilla ice cream;) Athena likes hers with whipped cream only, strawberries on the side. Apparently Alton thinks thats pretty darn hilarious! If you ask Ena to help set the table, you may end up with a few extra guests for brunch. Prepare to be stopped by every person you pass so they can tell you how cute your kid is when you take an already cute baby out in this cuter than cute winter cap! I remember the same thing happening when Ena wore this cap too. They both have those huge brown eyes and round cheeks, and then add the hat to it yet too. Irresistible!

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