Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hotel Paris

For those who haven't been here and wonder what our living situation is like, I took some pictures to share. We're staying at a place called Hotel Paris. It's not like a hotel in the US though, more like a bed and breakfast or a hostel.
The inside of our room. Our temporary home sweet home!

The dining room where we eat every meal. The food here BTW is deeeelish! They even make home made baby food for Alton. He has yet to not like something they've made him:) He did gag and throw up on mashed potatos when I tried them with him for the first time at lunch today though. Other than that little mishap, he continues to be a little garbage disposal, chowing down whatever we try with him.
One of the living rooms just off the dining room. We spend a lot of time out here before and after meals chatting with the other families and hanging out.
The other living room area. Athena and her friends play house in here a lot.
The court yard.
Daddy and Alton chilling on the bed.
We were planning to go to Lake Guatavita today with 2 other families, but we ended up having to cancel the tour and re-schedule for next week for a few different reasons. One of the families needed to cancel because they had some paperwork snafoos that needed their attention at the last minute and the other family has a sick family member:( It ended up being a rainy day today though, so maybe we'll have better luck with the weather when we go next Tuesday anyway:) There have actually been quite a few sick kids and adults here at the hotel in the last few days. We're really hoping our family is lucky and escapes catching anything!

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