Thursday, March 24, 2011

Time is flying by!

I can't believe we've been home almost 2 weeks already! It seems the older I get, the faster life flies by. With each addition to our family, time seems to go by even faster and faster! I'm trying to soak up every minute of my family leave home with the kids before life gets even more fast paced in a few weeks when I go back to work. Ena went back to preschool this week and will go 3 or 4 days a week until she goes back to full time when I go back to work. We toyed with the idea of having her stay home with me for my entire family leave, but decided it was best for her to get back into a routine of school and seeing her playmates again. It's good for me to have some time alone with Alton to help him get settled in and work on some things with him and run him around to appointments too.
Alton is not the biggest fan of winter coats or mittens. His eyes seem to be saying "Are you kidding me? Take me back to Santa Marta where I don't need to dress like a flippin' marshmellow!"
Come on! Where are my hands?!
Laundry baskets are always fun times.
I love my new little people cars. Thank you Auntie Jessie and Uncle Andrew:)

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