Saturday, April 9, 2011

Picture time!

I took both of the kids in to get their pictures taken yesterday. I thought I did a pretty good job of finding and picking out coordinating 'springy' outfits for them. Alton is in khaki cargo pants and a green and peach plaid shirt. Athena wore a super cute peach flowered spring dress. When we showed up at the portrait studio however the photographer looked at us and commented that we would limited in how many background choices we would have because of the "loud" shirt that I had put Alton in. Heh. Anywho, after we got past that little comment she was really very nice and did a good job considering she was dealing with the squirmiest 12 month old known to man and a big sister who finds it to be physically impossible to not do a painful looking fake smile the second she gets in front of a professional camera:) The pictures turned out OK. Not great, but OK. I snapped a few pictures of them in their cute outfits after we got home.


Dainis and Lori said...

HI Nicole,
The kids are so cute and I am so glad everything is going so well at home! We spent today getting settled in at Hotel Paris and Katya says hello. We are already spoiled with all of the food. We meet with Luz Stella tomorrow so I will keep you posted. Thanks for keeping your blog updated with pictures. Take care!

Unknown said...

I think those outfits are FANTASTIC!...along with the kiddos in them!
