Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy Day!

Today was a busy and important day for our adoption process. We had our documents authenticated at 2 different Colombian Notarias this morning. Then we had a great surprise when we were told our Defendor of Minors appointment was this after noon! This appointment could have been as late as next week Tuesday, but we were lucky enough to get ours today. They said our papers would be submitted to the court tomorrow. Some courts have a reputation for being slower for adopting families and some are faster. As far as we know there is no rhyme or reason as to which one you may be assigned to and it's all just luck of the draw. Send us some luck people;) The Defendor of Minors appointment takes a long time. We were there 2 1/2 hours with the kids in a tiny hallway of a room with nothing but some chairs. John did a great job entertaining Alton for a good part of the time and then I got him to fall asleep for a while to help pass the time too. Athena was a total champ too! Her and I played with a sticker book for a large part of the time and we knew from other families experiences that the wait could be long, so we saved her last 2 bags of goldfish crackers to eat during that time as well:)
We're so glad to have other families here with us this time around! The Jaenisch's are amazing, always coming up with fun things to do and are so welcoming to Athena when she wants to come into their room and play with what their kids are playing. Last night they even had every one of the big kids from the hotel in their room at the same time watching a movie! We have more friends joining us this Saturday when the Reedy family arrives too!! Can't wait to meet their little guy Cruz:)
Isn't this the cutest picture ever:) L-R: Athena, Eloina, Lauren, Jose, Ben.

Here are Alton and daddy enjoying a little after breakfast siesta. He's not a thumb sucker like sissy, but prefers his fingers instead:)

This is my view when we're out and about and I'm carrying the little monkey in the carrier.


The Podlasek Family said...

Aw, a finger sucker just like Lauren! What a cutie pie. Glad to hear things seem to be moving along quickly :) Can't wait to see you all!!

Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Woo Hoo on the Defendor meeting! We must have been really lucky because ours took less than a half an hour. Good thing I know better now or I would have been sorely disappointed!

ang and heath said...

Yay for having your meeting done! It was a good day for both the Zuge and Reedy families! :) See you SOON!