Saturday, February 5, 2011

Some exciting news for Ayudame:)

Yesterday we were invited to tour the new property that Ayudame recently purchased. It is a small farm will lots of green space to play and a huge main house that they will be spending the next few month's renovating into a home for the older children who live at Ayudame. Us, the Jaenisch's, several Danish families, and many of the agency representatives from different countries all piled into a huge van to drive out to the farm for the tour. Maria Clemencia was very proud as she showed off the new place and explained all of her plans for the house renovations with the families and all of the agency representatives who had been invited along for the tour. She's excited to have a beautiful home with plenty of green space for the children to live in instead of an institution in the city. We were gone the better part of the day from 11:30 to 6:30 and even had a picnic lunch out at the farm. We arrived back at the hotel with some tired kids (and adults) just in time to enjoy another awesome Juanita dinner of pork tenderloin, baby potatoes, and a warm vegetable salad. Lisa brought out a bottle of wine to share with everyone in the dinning room and it was a great ending to the day:)

Some of the beautiful Ayudame children who were along for the tour. We couldn't get everyone together at the same time for a picture, some of the older boys were already outside enjoying the green space;)


Jaime said...

What a great piece of property!!

Mrs. Schuler said...

That is a great picture of you with the kids. You look relaxed and happy.

Miss you! Liz

Dainis and Lori said...

This is so exciting for the children, and it will be a wonderful environment! I hope we get to see it when we come. It looks like everything is running smoothly and all of your pictures are great!