Monday, February 7, 2011

More teeth!

We think Alton is cutting more teeth as he has been a cranky bear the last day and a half. He has a low fever, red butt and is pulling on his ears and gnawing on his fingers. Not being ones to bust out medication unless necesary, we haven't given him anything yet. Tonight though for the sake of hopefuly getting a little bit of sleep, we're going to try some tylenol at bed time;)
We're going to the notary tomorrow with our agency representative to get our documents ready for the courts and will hopefully have our meeting with the Defendor of Minors on Wed. or Thurs. This is the meeting that will officially submit our case to the courts and usually occurs about 10 days after the presentation date that you receive the child.
Today was the first rainy day we've had since being here. We ventured out for a quick walk to the grocery store this morning before it started raining to get some rice cereal and yogurt for Alton, but other than that we have had a day hanging out here at the hotel. I'll post when we know for sure when our meeting is with the Defendor!

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