Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two fun days:)

The beginning of the week we really didn't do much of anything but hang out and go for walks. The last 2 days have been really fun though:) Yesterday there was a birthday party here at the hotel for one of the kids being adopted. A little girl named Eloina who turned 5. We went shopping with the Jaenesch's and let the kids pick out some gifts for her & the cooks here made her a beautiful birthday cake. It was lots of fun. Their family also got sentencia this week and signed their final decree yesterday for her and her brother, so it was a double special day for them:)
Just like a birthday party at home. All the kids crowded around watching her open presents:)

Little sweetheart birthday girl giving Athena a thank you kiss for the present. She gave a thank you kiss to everyone at the party:)

The most kids we've had at the hotel at once when there was a full house. L-R: Jose (aka 'little Jose), Jose (aka 'big Jose'), Jenna, Laura, Ben, Lauren, Jack, Eloina, Cruz, Athena, Alton.

They're all so stinkin cute!

Today we went out for pizza for lunch. The place we went to was awesome! They have a special kids menu where the kids get to make their own pizza. There is a separate little kitchen area where they take the kids to be chefs. We went with the Jaenesch clan and met the Seifert clan there, so we had 8 kids total! They all had so much fun & I have a feeling we'll be going back there once more before we leave:)
Cutest little chef ever:)

Pounding the dough flat.

How awesome is this kid-height, squiggly work table for the kids!! I want one for my classroom:)
The lady in charge of helping the kids in the kid kitchen really encouraged them to get into their work and get dirty. As you can see, Ena was happy to comply:) We're thinking that super cute birthday cake set up in the back was for a birthday party later today.
Tomorrow of course is the day that they close down some of the busy streets for walking and biking so if the weather cooperates, I'm sure we'll get our excercise out walking around the markets for the majority of the day again:)
As far as how our process is going, we're trying to have faith in the 'no news is good news' theory. Our representative just keeps telling us that everything is good with our paperwork, we just need to wait out having it go through the system. We know for sure at this point that we weren't assigned to a fast court, as we most likely would have heard something by now if we had. Hoping now that we're in a medium-fast court and will get some news this coming week:) Little guy turns one on March 14th, so that gives us about 2 weeks if we want to get home before his birthday. (which I'm hoping for!)

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