Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yesterday I got to learn how to make empanadas in the kitchen with the famous Juanita. Mary set it up for her and her SIL Lisa and they let me join in:) Everyone who stays at Hotel Paris constantly talks about the great food Juanita makes and what a riot she is. It is all so true! It was so much fun and I got the general idea of how to make empanadas, but still have no idea about most of the actual ingredients. All of the spices were not in their original containers and we (I at least) weren't able to understand when she was telling what any of it was:) It was a blast though and I'm pretty sure one of those fun empanada presses is going to be on my wish list now;) John had a daddy day care afternoon alone with the kids while I was enjoying my little cooking lesson. I returned to the room to find all 3 of them asleep together on the same bed:) Fun times:)
Here's Ena and her buddy Ben.

Check out those sweet thighs and chunky monkey cheeks:) So much for a low birth weight preemie! The kid eats like a horse:) He fits into our family perfectly:)


Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Happy, happy baby!

Sue said...

Nicole, John, Athena and Alton...We are so happy for you!Congratulations to you all!!...I love how you are just beaming with happiness ! Alton is adorable (I can't wait to meet him!) and Athena looks like a proud big sister! All is good on the home front...Joe plowed you out from our big blizzard...nothing "wacky" going on here, just a ton of snow!

katieg said...

Ummm!! I want empanadas!! What fun for you!! You really do have the most beautiful kids in the world! Can't wait to meet Alton! :)