Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Slowly making progress!

We're working through some things with our paperwork to be able to fly home on our original tickets on Sunday. Some things have come up and we definately will not be in a position to bump up our tickets to any time before that. Luckily our representative is very organized and proof reads everything with a fine tooth comb. She noticed on Monday that we were only issued one copy of a certain document that we were supposed to be given 2 of and today she noticed another one of the documents was accidentaly dated for 2010 rather than 2011. We are working on getting everything fixed to be able to pick up the final visa for Alton on Friday. Send us some more luck please:) We'll keep everyone updated on our progress! We're almost home!!


Jaime said...

I'm so glad that you have a person who is so organized and keeping you on track with every piece of paperwork. You're almost home!!

katieg said...

Good luck and can't wait to see you guys! It's been so long! I miss my partner! :( Almost home! ;) xoxo