Saturday, March 12, 2011

We're coming home!

John picked up Altons visa on Friday and our representative stopped by just now with the last of our documents to bring back home for everything we need to do once we get back. We are all set to fly home on our original plane tickets for tomorrow!! We're being picked up from the hotel at 6:00am for our 9:30am flight. We have a 5 hour flight from Bogota to Atlanta, then have a 3 hour layover in Atlanta. Hopefully just the right amount of time to get through customs, immigration for Alton, re-check luggage and get the kids something to eat before boarding the next flight to Milwaukee. We get into Milwaukee at about 8:30pm:) My mom and John's moms will be picking us up:)
We're enjoying our last day in Bogota with our friends. We're heading out for lunch at Archies again (the place where the kids make their own pizza), then running to some stores for a few last minute purchases of things we want to bring back with us.
Watch for our next post from home:)

1 comment:

Mrs. Schuler said...

SO happy for you! Safe travels!