Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hanging out.

We've spent the last few days just hanging out, not doing anything too exciting. The hotel has suddenly filled up and there are lots of families here to hang out with now and it's been fun having a full house. We've been going on lots of walks and John has been working a lot the last few days. Seems there is always something we find we 'need' to justify a walk to the grocery store and a stop at Juan Valdez coffee shop on the way back:) Us and the Reedy's walked to the mall today to meet up with another Wisonsin family who are here adopting a sibling group of 3:) They got their Sentencia already and are heading home next week, so we're going to try to get together with them once more this weekend before they head out.
One of Altons favorite 'toys' is to bang on the cover of Athena's plastic container that has all of her craft supplies.

His GQ shot:)

He loves to walk around like this. We're just waiting for him to take off on his own!

This is one of the new ways the wonder twins have found to entertain themselves. They like to make a tent over the bed out of the curtains. They sat in the tent and played with coloring books and stickers for over an hour the other day!

1 comment:

The Podlasek Family said...

Wow, he is going to be a heart breaker! Those eyes! Could he get any cuter?!!