Sunday, February 20, 2011

Look what I can do!

Guess who's standing?

Alton had made so much progress in the 3 weeks he's been with us! Today he pulled himself up to stand for the first time! The beds in our room are really low to the ground (as you can see from the picture) and just so happen to be just the right height for him to get a good grip and finally pull himself up. He's been close to being able to do it for a few days now and decided today was the day. About 20 minutes after that feat he decided to go ahead and walk along the bed too. He usually 'army crawls' and gets around pretty fast doing that. I have a suspision he won't ever do regular crawling with his belly up off the ground. I think he'll go straight from army crawling to walking.
He's also learned how to pick up little bits of food with his fingers. When we first got him he would grasp a puff in his fist and not be able to get it into his mouth. Now he can pick them up with his fingers and get them perfectly into his mouth. I remember hearing about older babies like this in our adoption classess. Babies who will make months worth of progress in a few weeks once they get with their families and get the nurturing they need to strive.
A sure fire way to get him to smile and laugh is to do itsy bitsy spider.

In addition to the standing and walking excitement around here we had a great day out walking and looking around at the markets. Ena was excited to find some puppies to pet. Good thing we weren't at home because I'm pretty sure between her and John there is a good chance we would have ended up bringing one home. They've both been working me for another dog for while now and I've been holding them off so far!


Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

He is just so cute. I'm sure he will be hitting milestones like crazy now that he's with you!

katieg said...

Oh Nicole! What a great day!! That is so cool! All the progress he's made is awesome!! You two are awesome parents! Love you guys! xoxo